Sunday, December 30, 2012



So many left us this year.  They brought us joy and changed our lives but,  were not ours to keep.

This one’s for those who are gone.



no trinkets
or faded images--
all hollow things

I require no reminder
of who you were
or what you did

all the memories
good, bad or in between
of things done or not

are forever
behind my heart

in Kokoro,
the resting place
of the Soul

I still miss you--
not every moment,
but especially

in the quiet times
your absence echoes
shattering the stillness,

an aching wound
beneath my consciousness

someday, I’ll join you,
and we will fly together
through the ethers

free of earthly ties,
united once again

Happy New Year to all.


Thursday, December 27, 2012


 A Plain Vanilla World With A Sprinkle of Guards and a Dollop of Control

Have you noticed how the fear mongers and control freaks are changing life?

Here’s a picture of the possible future.

When you enter any public place (schools, grocery stores, theaters, etc.), you first walk through a metal detector to make sure you aren’t carrying a gun.  If the ooga, ooga horn goes off, you get a pat down by the armed militia.  Ooga, ooga indeed. This means that a 15-minute trip to the store now takes two and a half hours.

Then you walk through the Stink-O-Meter to make sure you don’t have BO, haven’t smoked a cigarette in the last decade, eaten garlic, and aren’t wearing perfume or baby vomit. Then you get hosed down or tossed out.

Whining has overtaken both baseball and football as the nation’s pastime.

I’m staying home with a glass of wine while smoking a cigarette, wearing my Chanel No. 5 and watching South Park.

The majority ruled by the few because we aren’t smart enough to figure it out for ourselves.   What has happened to old-fashioned common sense?


Monday, December 24, 2012

Hairball Subscription


You can subscribe--it's free.

If you would like to receive Hairball notifications in your email, sign up at "follow by email" on the right side of the Gazette.

Right now I'm sending emails to my personal list, as well as Facebook, but know that misses many.

If you sign up and are receiving two notifications, let me know because I'll keep my personal list for a couple of months.

Hairballs to technology.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Florida Christmas

Greetings of the Season Hairballers,

The world didn’t come to an end as some had predicted.  Here’s hoping they can return the Ferrari they financed for 10 years.

Since we’re still around, here’s the Hairball Gazette’s first annual Christmas offering.

A Florida Christmas©


The traditional poinsettias are tropical plants, but we’ve got miles of plastic ones covered with ants.

Polyester pine garland has replaced Spanish moss and shines in the sun like gooey hair gloss

The inflatable snowmen that grin ear-to-ear will melt in the heat as the C-day draws near

Christmas in Florida’s a very big deal; with a climate like Bethlehem it could look very real

Why not park a camel out in the yard and skip all those cookies just filled up with lard?

Palms stood by the manger on that far away night, so why the fake trees that look such a fright?

Santas are stationed at every mall in town; he’s come on a skateboard, there’s no snow to be found

The true meaning of Christmas is lost in this mess; the electric bill’s soaring but how could they do less

It’s only one day, there’s 364 more, yet it’s there in July when you enter a store

I say peace be to earth and good will to all men as I turn up the a/c, it’s too hot again.

Hairballs to all,