Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Greeting Hairballers,

A day early because tomorrow is the Winter Classic and will be all hockey.

The last DBA of 2014 goes to:

The voters of Staten Island New York--you sure can pick ‘em.

For crying out loud, Grimm was under indictment when you voted him in.

Now you get a redo by special election.  Whatcha gonna do?

Hairballs to you, Staten Island.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Enough About Me, Now Let’s Talk About Me

Greetings Hairballers,

This is the last Gazette for 2014.  An odd year and many will be glad to see it gone.  Time for change.  Perhaps we should drop a Hairball on 2014 in Times Square before the New Year.

Enough About Me, Now Let’s Talk About Me©


Another lunch, with egos ricocheting off the walls--everyone talking at once--about themselves, perhaps to justify their existence.  I went, I’m going, I saw, I did, I ache, I bought and a monologue on the failings of people not there. No recommendations, no thoughts, no questions--only the droning on of the list of me, me, me.

My silence speaks volumes.  I think I died and landed in hell but my phone has bars and I’m reading the NY Times under the table, so maybe not.

My New Year’s resolution:  Be part of the cast, not the audience.

Look for the Dumb Bastard Award on January 1, 2015.

Happy New Year and Hairballs to 2014,


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas in Florida

Greetings Hairballers,

It's that time of year again--time to pull out this old retread for your enjoyment, or not.

Christmas in Florida©


The traditional poinsettias are tropical plants, but we’ve got miles of plastic ones covered with ants

Polyester pine garland has replaced Spanish moss and shines in the sun like gooey hair gloss

The inflatable snowmen that grin ear to ear, will melt in the heat as the C-day draws near

Christmas in Florida’s a very big deal, with a climate like Bethlehem, it could look very real

Why not park a camel out in the yard and skip all those cookies just filled up with lard?

Palms stood by the manger on that far away night, so why the fake trees that look such a fright?

Santas are stationed at every mall and town; he’s come on a skateboard, there’s not snow to be found

The true meaning of Christmas is lost in the mess; the electric bill’s soaring but how could they do less

It’s only one day, there’s 364 more, yet it’s there in July when you enter a store

I say peace be to earth and good will to all men as I turn up the a/c, it’s too hot again

Happy hairballs,


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Appearances Deceiving

Greeting Hairballers,

Since Congress has kept the government open by passing their spending bill, which had the blessing of the President, and which loosens banking regulations and increases allowable donations from the wealthy to candidates--I thought a little musing in order.

Appearances Deceiving©


She slipped the earrings into her bra--rubies and sapphires would bring a good price.  The reflection of light cast a halo around her silver hair, making the woman appear angelic.  The claiming of others’ resources was her business, not unlike a bank.

Hairballs to them,


Friday, December 12, 2014


Greetings Hairballers,

Don't know if you noticed but the House of Representatives gave the taxpayers the finger last night.  Are they using the Supreme Court as a role model?

What is your definition of extortion?

Here's a link to Senator Sanders on YouTube.

We should all be spitting hairballs,
