Tuesday, December 11, 2012

OMG OF THE WEEK--Right to Work

Right to Work legislation passed  the Michigan State House today.

Gov. Snyder of Michigan and his repubnithug cohorts have pushed through right to work legislation as an end run around the voters and have essentially castrated the unions.  This is a one-eighty for Gov. Snyder.

Don’t be fooled, this is about hurting Democrats and lowering salaries (for the serfs).

Two questions here:  1) do politicians say one thing while running for office and then flip the voters the finger upon winning?  Or 2) is someone or something else pulling the strings?  I think it’s the latter but who insists on complete control?  The voters refused to be lemmings and now there are actions to bring us into line.  Think about it.

Hairballs indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the new feature!
and Michigan, >sigh<