Thursday, February 21, 2013


First a special thanks to Chuck and Larry.  Thanks for caring and offers of help.  Love you guys.

Now for the OMG

The Indiana State Legislature has passed a bill (all Democrats and one Republican voted no) to require women taking the abortion inducing pill to have two (2), not one, but two, vaginal ultrasounds. One before and one after.

If these men need something to do with their hands, they could try making model airplanes or playing with themselves.

Why are they so afraid of women that they must humiliate us?  Didn’t we fight a war or some thing against men who treated women this way?

Other news:  I guess you know that Herman Cain is now a contributor to Fox News.  That isn’t an OMG but more of a yes indeed.  Cain said he hoped he could do as well as Sarah Palin.  Okay then, low bar.


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