Friday, June 7, 2013


Greetings Hairballers,

         A different sort of OMG this week.  It’s an OMG for me—OMG, I’m so lucky.

         Working around tropical storm Andrea, it’s been a week of get-togethers with friends as many prepare to scatter for the summer—one to the Far East and Asia for four months, another to Michigan to sell some property and others to seek cooler climes.

         What struck me is that everyone is bright, interesting and involved.  They not only read books, they write them, design good jewelry (not just bead stringing), paint, sculpt and participate in politics beyond hitting the like button on Facebook.

         Not one person discussed their aches and pains, and god knows we got them.  No one complained about anything or anybody (which is boring as hell).  We laughed and talked a hundred miles an hour.

         Sally’s recounting of her recent trip to the Spoleto Festival has me making plans for next May.

         Fortunately, there will be enough of us still here battling the heat to do things, like taking in a performance of Carmen later this month.

         Perhaps St. Petersburg is a good fit for me after all.  Arizona intrigues me if only I could replace their governor with Martin O’Malley of Maryland, another state I love.

         I’m off to buy water, tuna, batteries (my life seems to run on AAs) and all that other gear for my hurricane kit.



Patrise said...

yay! I loved your friends, so much creative verve. like you. **hugs**

Susan Adger said...

I love your comments this week - and I feel absolutely the same about having bright, creative, interesting, courageous friends.