Friday, February 28, 2014


Greetings Hairballers,

Here it is, March 1, and time for the Dumb Bastard Award.

The award goes to:  All the restaurants that are now adding surcharges to customers’ bills for Affordable Health Care, which is not yet a requirement.

Since the AHC is not in effect, the managers or owners of these places are either dumb as a box of rocks or super smart by adding to their profits.  They must also believe their customers are stupid for paying for something that doesn’t yet exist.

Is this a political statement or are they just trying to shame the wait staff? 

Remember when Papa John said he would have to raise the price of a pizza?  How many more 66-car garages are being financed by the surcharges?

Here’s a link.

Hairballs to them.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wouldn't mind that they would charge prices that would allow their employees to be properly provided for. Essentially they're admitting they have been assholes all along and now they advertise their shit past behavior.
Better yet, they admit that the legislation to provide for their employees FORCED them to act humanely while they attempt to make a political point against that action.
Asshats and DBAs all around here!!