Sunday, June 8, 2014


Greeting Hairballers,

A friend recently traveled up north, that’s anywhere above South Carolina to those of us in Florida, to house and cat sit for relatives who’d gone to Europe.  In this case Michigan, 20 miles out of town.

Because her dog got sick during the trip, she was pretty much stuck in the house with a few forages into civilization.

I have close friends in the wilds of Maryland, who are far more interesting and fun than the folks Sally ran into. If I go north, look out Maryland, here I come.

Here’s Sally’s story or at least my take on it.



gathering for lunch
is a weekly ritual
for the ladies on the street

my invitation to join
came as a surprise
being an out-of-towner

only visiting for 3 weeks
to house sit for a cousin
who’d gone to France

the banter began with
talk of kitchen appliances
and moved on to reality TV

I Pads and phones hit the table
as the conversation shifted
to grandchildren and families

ohs and ahs were exclaimed at a
picture of little junior
graduating from pre-K

who the hell graduates from pre-K?
I ask myself--
they sleep through it

one woman complained
over and over
about the pain in her arm

at last, something to which I could relate
because this lunch
was a pain in the ass

Hairballs indeed,


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