Sunday, October 26, 2014


Greetings Hairballers,

In this election season, with participation so vital, the non-voters simply amaze me.  There is voter suppression in so many states with people fighting for their rights.  Yet we see those who choose to sit it out time after time, and then complain about the outcome.

I live in Florida where election screw-ups are legendary.  However, my little corner is relatively easy and I’ve voted by mail for several years now.  You don’t have to bully some poor soul by convincing them that you can’t stand up, just ask and the deed is done.

I do miss going to the polls.  It was always an adventure and good theater, especially if some drama queeking pulled something. 

Here goes:



Carping and petulant
oh, woe is me
you cry

I need
I want
it isn’t fair

that I’ve slipped
through the crack
and did not get a thing

don’t waste my time
you never vote
so stop complaining

you, non-voter, are the problem

Hairballs on them all,


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