Sunday, January 27, 2013


Greetings Hairballers,

I'm on another tear.

The vague and self-absorbed drivers have gotten on my last nerve.  The other night one pedestrian was killed and another injured right down here on Coffee Pot Bayou by a hit and run driver.  The guy wasn’t drugged or drunk just in his egomaniacal world of speeding and blasting what passed for music. The police got him and he’s in jail, the injured person is still in the hospital and the dead person isn’t coming back.

This is the beginning of an off and on series about techno-maniacs—note reference to texting.

Don't worry, political junkies, I haven't given up on that either.

Turn Signals©


How ‘bout a little respect!
yea, you with the death grip
on the steering wheel,
your shoulders hunched up
against your ears

I’m that little handle
on the left that you ignore,
the clicky one
covered in dust,

I came with the car
no charge,
not an add on
like that CD player
you blast to the world

do you think other drivers
can read minds,
have crystal balls
or cell phones with the
psychic network on speed dial?

wish I’d been bought
by a better driver
because now you're texting,
not watching the road
and I have a headache

an invasion of privacy
it’s not
to let others know
your next move
in traffic


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