Saturday, April 13, 2013


Two in one week!

Chained CPI is in the President’s budget.  Campaign promise broken, busted, not kept.  So we old suckers, disabled veterans, etc., get thrown under the bus. 

All this talk of helping “working families,” there is not such thing—just a buzz phrase.   Individuals work, families don’t.  Unless it’s a family farm or business and even then, the kids are in school or are infants.

The President doesn’t have to worry, he’s got his second term but there are members of Congress for whom I will never vote if they approve this budget.

Entitlement has become a dirty word.  Social Security isn’t a free ride, it’s a return on investment for which you paid and worked all your life!

Wall Street is allowed to fiddle as Rome burns while we hear more empty rhetoric.

Hairballs are being hacked up all over.


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