Monday, August 5, 2013


Greeting Hairballers,

Considered an OMG but that didn’t seem enough.

First let me say I am against PEDs in all sports.

Right now, I feel as though I have been sucked into the vortex of a time machine that has taken me back to a period that bounces between the Salem Witch Trails and the McCarthy Era.   In the past, I have called for Major League Baseball to clean up its act and keep it out of the courts.  Now they have interrogated players, paid witnesses, cut deals and metaphorically paraded the “guilty” in chains through the streets.  It’s sad to realize that if you work on Wall Street and cheat, you get a bonus and if you do the same in sports, you get suspended.  Yes, penalties were warranted but when a player is singled out for extraordinarily harsh treatment because powers to be wish to make an example, they don’t like him or he gets paid too much, I get queasy.

I may lose some friends and have been screamed at by casual observers of baseball because of my insistence that no one is more equal than another.  I hope they enjoyed their orgasm of schadenfraude.  Me?  I am eclipsed by sorrow.  



faded dreams and
glory lost
disillusioned and confused

in the ethers,
an echo of angry voices
dissolves to silence

all is dark
the unraveling

honor eclipsed
by promises not kept
faith is cast aside

forever marred
by ignominious behavior,

now falling stars
that leave a scar in indigo
and then are gone

there is no triumph
in fallen heroes

Hairballs and so be it.

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