Sunday, August 11, 2013


Hello Hairballers

You are going to love this one I just heard on ABC News.

A luxury high rise (47 floors) in Benidorm, Spain, has been completed with a few flaws.

The first 20 floors were completed in 2007, but then the builders ran into municipal problems.  Four years later, a new contractor was hired and the building completed--except--the new crew was using a temporary outside elevator and the architect failed to include a real elevator for the last 27 floors.

35% of the apartments have already been sold--let’s hope on lower floors.

This makes all the mistakes I’ve made in my life pale by comparison.

Do you think they can get a deal on some hot air balloons?

Yes, they are in the running for Dumb Bastard of the Year. Maybe I should start a new one for the century.

Here’s a link.

Snorting hairballs,

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