Sunday, September 1, 2013


Greetings Hairballers,

The DB Award for August--

Goes to Larry Sanders of the Milwaukee Bucs for of his new forearm tattoo--“Recieve.  Remember, “i” before “e” except after “c.”

I’m totally sympathetic as I recently spelled my apartment manger’s name Brain instead of Brian.  Though for me it’s more typing ineptitude than spelling.  However, I did not have it tattooed on any of my body parts.

Good luck with getting that fixed. 

Why not have Winner of The August 2013 Dumb Bastard Award tattooed above it?  Then it would be way cool.

Here’s a link with picture: 

Take a hairball,

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         section on the blog.  It’s located on the right side.  Then hit submit and
         follow the instructions. It’s one of those type crazy letter things.

         Also, I’ll continue to post on Facebook and Google+.

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