Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Coven of Turkeys

Hairball Gazette Jan 25 2015

Greetings Hairballers,

Today, a musing on a personal experience from last week.

A Coven of Turkeys©


Circling ‘round in the middle of the street, a coven of turkeys, tails fanned, chanting an incantation in their ancient tongue.

Traffic at a standstill, no horns blaring, everyone mesmerized--the turkeys oblivious to the busy, busy, busy of our day-to-day lives.

I’m going to be late and no one will believe me.

I’ll tell them my arm was stuck in the blood pressure cup at the supermarket
--that should do it.

Hairballs to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this gives me hope that the Goddess will prevail. I see the turkeys still convening once the mall parking lots are weedy fields....