Sunday, April 28, 2013


Greetings Hairballers,

If you weren’t watching 24-hour cable news during the events of the Boston Marathon, you’re either smarter than most or living under a rock—both have their merits.

The TV news-show hosts were positively orgasmic.  The pontificators (some say gas bags) didn’t have to discuss wars, economics and Congress. For these one-trick ponies when news breaks, all other events cease.

Here’s a sample script of how a show could have gone and did for the most part.  I’ve made it up, these people do not exist so don’t get your knickers in a twist.

Bert – Self-important news-show host
Ted – Former government profiler and now big deal instant expert
Dr. Fred – Official medical expert for cable news station

Bert:  (face turns red with veins sticking out on his forehead, outraged tone
 to his voice)

Tell me Ted, could an American have done this?

Ted:  (Calm with a slightly superior look on his face)

         Why yes, Bert.  Americans are shooting each other all the time.

Bert: (Shakes his head and looks sad—clue to audience to be sad)

         I just don’t understand why anyone would do such a thing.

Bert:  Ted, what’s he thinking about right now?

Ted:  I don’t know.  Probably about how he’s going to manage to get away.

Bert:  Do you think the suspect is hungry?  Where is he getting food?

Ted:  I don’t know, Bert.

Bert:  There’s a rumor on the Internet that Preposterous Pizzas has delivered
         a large pepperoni with extra cheese to an undisclosed location.  Do you
         think it’s for the suspect?

Ted:  If it’s an undisclosed location, it’s probably for the former Vice
President.  He’s been there for a long time and I suspect he’s hungry.

Bert:  (Looking incredulous)

But he’s not Vice President any more.

Ted:  I don’t think anyone told him because no one knows were he’s staying.

Bert:  We have to take a break.  Our next guest will be Dr. Fred, our own medical expert.

Commercial break

Bert:  (Showing excitement at the thought of blood and gore)

         Dr. Fred thanks for being with us.

         Is this guy injured and how badly?

Dr. Fred:  I don’t know, Bert.  He could be but then again, maybe not

Bert:  (Showing frustration while running his hands through his hair)

That’s all for me folks.  Our coverage continues now with Mark. 
Oh, did you hear another station got the suspect’s description wrong.

Moderator:  In other news, the sun came up this morning, it rained
         somewhere in the world and France is still in Europe.  Now back to our
         constant coverage of the breaking news.

Commercial break

What happened in Boston was horrible.  We don’t need childish, time-fillers to tell us to be outraged and sad.  How about some straight, old-fashioned news for a change?  Cable news has become more like the psychic network with all the unanswerable speculation.  For me, I’ll stick to watching hockey.  There, at least I know a goal when I see one and I can ignore the guys who tell why.


1 comment:

Susan Adger said...

You hit the nail right on the head!