Monday, September 30, 2013


Greetings Hairballers,

We’ve made it to October and it’s time for another Dumb Bastard Award.

None of my friends has dropped a cell phone in the toilet or tried to silence a smoke alarm with a sledgehammer--been a rather calm month on the home front.

As a result, I’m breaking one of my own rules and awarding the DBA to politicians.  Now, I realize saying dumb bastard and politician in the same sentence is redundant but here we go.  The award goes to:

The Tea Party, GOP and the ring-wing-nuts who voted for them, as they have now shut down our government.

Did you know that some of the tea party members of the house announced that their goal, upon arriving on Capitol Hill, was to shut down the government?

Extortion or anarchy?

Government of the people, for the people…. When does that start?

May it rain hairballs upon them forever,


p.s.  Hockey season starts today.  If Congress had a commissioner like the NHL and the same rules it might just work.  After spending time in the penalty box and a couple 10-day suspensions without pay, maybe they would start doing their jobs.

We are, their employers.  Would you're employer put up with such behavior?


Susan Adger said...

You notice THEY are still getting their paychecks. Hairballs, indeed!!!

Anne M. Younger said...

I love the idea of them sitting in the penalty box.