Sunday, March 22, 2015


Greetings Hairballers,

Things have been a bit strange and overly complicated lately.  Here’s a little “some of it.”


FM Horner

We don’t listen to hear,
we plan our replies
our conversations convoluted,
everyone talking at once,
all competing for attention

then the gossips pass it on
and you hear, fourth hand,
weeks later, that you joined
the Knights of Columbus
when you said yoga group
or that you’re taking
pork barbeque to a
vegetarian dinner


Oh, the hairballs of it all.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Here’s to You Norma Jean

Greetings Hairballers,

Returning my hair to its natural state, which at this point is platinum, got me thinking.  Oy. 

Here’s to You Norma Jean©

They made you into the person we called Marilyn Monroe, a sex goddess of the silver screen--all platinum blonde, Happy Birthday Mr. President and Joe DiMaggio.  Every female wanted to look like you.

My 14-year old mind devised plan.  A platinum-washout rinse would transform me.  It didn’t.

That night, our band took the field at half time and it started to rain.  My rinse was a washout as purple rivers streamed down my uniform.  Trying to keep in step while laughing, I almost swallowed by clarinet.  I had become Daffy Duck.

Ah Norma Jean, I never became Marilyn Monroe and neither did you.  Early one morning you left us, on your own terms.  All we had left were memories of the phantom Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio.

