Sunday, October 28, 2012


To all the Hairballers in harms way of this storm—stay safe, my thoughts are with you.

Unpublished writers, and maybe some published ones as well, fear the cover letter—second only to the dreaded synopsis.  It’s harder to write than the novel itself.  Stephen King can scribble a little note:  “Bruce, here’s the book.  Steve”  The rest of us...

Here’s my fantasy letter:

Cover Letter to an Agent©


Dear judge of all that is written,
with your glasses perched
at the end of your nose

coffee steaming at your elbow
and red pen poised to strike
like a snake coiled on a rock,

my success or failure
rests in your quivering hand
which will it be?

I hope this finds you
in a good mood
and that all is well

that you aren’t hung-over,
your kids weren’t busted
or your computer fried

it is my fervent wish
that your in-laws aren’t visiting
and that the new diet worked.

Here’s my stuff,
it’s brilliant, you’ll like it,
is that short enough?

The whole megillha
in two paragraphs or less—
well, sort of.

Enclosed is the
self-addressed, stamped
envelope you require,

you can steam off the stamp
and reject something else
since you’ll be keeping mine.

Watch for a new Dumb Bastard Award on Thursday.

Hairballs to all,

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pinstriped Heroes of the Bronx

Greetings Hairballers,

A bit of self-indulgence here. 

Those who know me, have no doubt that I bleed pinstripes.  Here’s a little tribute to my Yankees.

Pinstriped Heroes of the Bronx©


you’ve been there since the beginning,
your pinstriped gene
implanted on my DNA
a Yankee fan from birth--forever

you battled through injuries,
when Mo went down, you held your breath
the four horsemen down to two
farewell to Sada came last fall

what evil wizard came to drain your life?
for surely a curse upon you fell
like air draining slowly from a balloon
we watched with horror

as heroes deflated before our eyes,
we were helpless to make it stop.
how did the doppelgangers replace a team
who, days before, were riding high?

now the blood of Yankee blue
has become a raging river, lurching
through the canyon of champions
we feel its power.

by spring
the Bombers will be back
and few will remember that you
were briefly gone

    Til' next week.