Sunday, November 11, 2012


Greetings Hairballers,

The election is finally over and I’m personally thrilled with the results.  Most of the “buzarros” lost, restoring my faith in the electorate.

The issue of loyalty and hero worship is shouting at us. How much is truth, how much projection?

The list is long:  Athletes, who needed a shot in the ass (steroids) to get across the room; journalists, who ignored events or bent the truth; do-nothing politicians, beholden to their money interests and the lunatic fringe; employers threatening workers to garner votes; and on and on and on. (Note abundant use of semicolons) There was a lot of “crash and burn” this year and it’s left many stunned.  Funny, how that loyalty thing is a two-way street.

Here’s my take on some who fell along the way—

Fallen Heroes©


faded dreams and
glory lost
disillusioned and confused

in the ethers,
an echo of angry voices
dissolved to silence

all is dark
the unraveling

honor eclipsed
by promises not kept
faith is cast aside

forever marred
by ignominious behavior,

now falling stars
that leave a scar in indigo
and then are gone

there is no triumph
in fallen heroes
only sadness

 'til next week,
Hairballs to all,


Susan Adger said...

Ain't it the truth!!! I'm SO happy with the election results - we're all winners!


Patrise said...

Love this. Seems like all about Lance, who Ive defended to the bitter end.