Sunday, February 10, 2013


Greetings Hairballers,

Seems I have some sort of allergy related thing, due to the lack of winter this year in Flori-duh.  We did have winter for about 20 minutes one night while I was asleep.  Not that I wish to freeze but there are a couple of outfits that are hanging in the closet going out of style and I’d like to wear them.

Long way to say I’m not up to politician bashing today.  Instead I’ll relate a story told by my former neighbor in DC after a weekend gambling in Atlantic City. Hope you enjoy.


            FM Horner

I’m in Atlantic City
gambling and losing big

the cards are wrong
the dice are upside down

now I’m getting depressed
and feeling sorry for myself

so, I go outside
perhaps some air will do me good

walk the boardwalk
shake the mood away

hungry, food will surely help
a slice of pizza should do the trick

gooey cheese and tomato sauce
comfort food for the impatient

just then a gull swoops down
and rips it from my hand

things are not looking up
they’re looking down

the seagull drops his stash
much too heavy on the fly

the pizza hits the beach
sauce side down, of course

now no use to anyone at all
I shake my head and sigh

look what youse did
a passerby remarks

pointing to the jumble at my feet
the pizza lies there crust side up

sauce splayed in the sand
cheese oozing out the side

somehow today it’s all my fault
nothing I do is right

time to pack it in, go home
my score is oh for three

For Ben’s memories of a bad day.

Hairballs to all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooo, jelly side down!!

Sometimes a piza is just a pizza, though.