Sunday, September 16, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse


We’re halfway through the month.  Anyone have nominations for the Dumb Bastard Award?  I dropped a jar of wrinkle crème on my foot and broke a toe, which puts me in the running but I’ve got a better one.

Question of the Week:  Who or what was Tammany Hall?  (Hint—not some girl you knew in high school)

Zombies are IT these days.  They’ve surpassed vampires, who now come out in the daylight wearing designer sunglasses and Grateful Dead tee shirts.

Personally, I don’t like zombies.  They’re too “un”—unattractive, unamusing and unintelligent.  There has never been a “hot” zombie or mad scientist among them.  They just shuffle around, breathing heavily, while terrifying or revolting everyone.

The Internet is abuzz with banter about a Zombie Apocalypse so I’ve decided to get on the bandwagon.  Here’s my take?

Zombie Apocalypse©
(A Road to a Past that Never Was)


The Zombie Apocalypse
has arrived

it’s been building for years
have you noticed?

mindless people
choosing candidates

by the color of a tie
and a 1950s hairdo

voting against
pants suits

gender, race
or sexual orientation

remember Einstein’s
wild and crazy hair?

or Churchill’s

non-starters in today’s
appearance-driven climate


once again, the vacuous hordes
heed the call of hate

shuffling off
to the ballot box

to toe the party line
because that’s the way it’s done

no thought of consequences
or personal needs

automatons, entrapped by fear
of all that’s different

for whom dumb is in,
intelligence an abomination

knowing only the messages
of their leaders

these zombies follow the pipers
over a cliff to a past that never was


Anonymous said...

Damn good post this week! I am OVER the zombies in all their forms. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Ferne, Zombies are our alter egos. The lack of social graces displayed by their ilk is legendary. Really! It is impermissible for one to eat the brains of your hosts and still have cache'. I mean, really! You could also imagine zombies becoming smarter through ingesting their favorite staple.
Imagine smart zombies! Christ or whatever, a freaking mess. (Imagine a slavering zombie sitting in a drawing room discussing Descartes while nibbling daintily on your pre-frontal lobe. In-freaking-congruous!!)
Fun read, thanks Especially the poem. Getting a little dark but evocative.