Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hairball Gazette July 14, 2013

Greetings Hairballers and Happy Bastille Day,

Grinding on the reinvention of me, yet again.  You’d think by this time I’d have figured it out or be happy that I had one reasonably successful career.  I’m not ready to sit on the plateau and contemplate my navel.

I feel like I’ve lived many life times in this one existence.  All those people are me and what makes up the person called Ferne who lives today.

Perhaps many of you are in this same place.  Courage my friends, I’m moving on because life is meant to be an adventure.  More to come…

Last week, while sitting on the floor--yes, the cat took my chair--this came out.

Who Is This I? ©


who is this I
that sits upon the deck
and dreams of                               
greener pastures?                         

is that I prepared to
leap into the void
and capture the
illusion at rainbow’s end?

or will that I
remain forever trapped
in fantasies  
that could have lived,

as each
drifts away
like fallen leaves
blown by the wind?

Hairballs to all the old stuff,


1 comment:

Josephine said...

OMG your pome is scary, inspiring, sad. Just finished looking at a segment of Roadtrip Nation on tee vee. Sister message. Commit and then figure it out.I'm doing my best to stay on that edge.