Monday, August 19, 2013


Hey Hairballers,

Thought you might enjoy this comment I received from whiskysteps of cuffedpantspress on the latest OMG.

Mop fires in Florida are quite common--depending upon where u place it, dictates the level of potential damage. If you leave your mop in your kitchen prior to your 4-week vacation in France, chances are when u return a large majority of your dwelling will be rubble. If u conceal your mop down by the ocean in a secluded location, chances are minimal damage will occur with the exception of the potential for a large oil spill occurring while u are away, then u must accept responsibility for setting the ocean on fire.  Precaution on the safe side:  DONT MOP. This little tidbit of help was brought to u by CUFFEDPANTSPRESS. 

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1 comment:

Susan Adger said...

I'm happy to give up mopping - Great solution to a terrible problem!