Monday, June 23, 2014

What Fresh Snell is This--News from Termite Terrace


What Fresh Snell is This--News from Termite Terrace

Greetings Hairballers,

The place was sold and I hope the new owners got a fixer-upper price.  The new management company is Burton Carol, the owners remain a mystery by I would not be surprised if it’s the Koch brothers.

All correspondence is now issued from the BC headquarters and I’ve noticed they can use words longer than two syllables and do not attempt to be cute.

The initial letter was a four-page introduction. In this, they used the term “extremely excited” three times on the first page.  I had visions of people standing around their offices panting and shaking.  As any decent writer knows, it’s really, really bad to use the deadly “lys.”  Point.  I suggest using only excited in the first instance, orgasmic for the second and the third, which refers to keeping the present manager, nauseous.

Our rent varies from month to month because of the addition of water, trash and sewer.  They have eliminated direct debt and we have a choice of writing a check and using the mail or paying by phone at a charge of $19.95.  If the check is lost in the mail, a late charge is applied.  Of course, you can’t pay anything until you receive the bill.  There are no mailboxes on Snell Isle, so it’s a ride in the car to the post office or UPS store--sort like the Well Fargo Wagon.  That is why I’m thinking Koch Brothers.

It gets better. 

Today we were informed that the entire complex would be painted.  Good.  We were also told that the sand volleyball court would be removed.  No more tits and ass in the hood.

Da, da, da, da--the entire complex has termites!!!!  Thus the new name, Termite Terrace, which I stole from the great animators of Warner Brothers of old. Yurts on the Bay works well too.

But back to the termites.  Everyone will receive a $100 rent credit for August so they can stay at a hotel while the place is being tented.  The cat, Benchley, and I are staying with the Gailey’s because there is no hotel for $100 a night that doesn’t rent by the hour.

People are moving out at a rapid clip.  My lease ends in 191 days--I’ve put a counter on my phone.

Let’s hope my bathroom ceiling hold that long because there’s a leak up stairs and I’m having trouble getting it fixed.

Hacking up Hairballs,



Anonymous said...

they did away with pay online? that's just stupid! and what's the office for? cant you pay rent in person?
**shakes head**
Termite Terrace indeed.

Good luck with your 'vacation'! I am sure Mr. Benchley will love being relocated.

Julie said...

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...

Having to mail the rent check is just ridiculous in this day and age. So is $100 for a hotel. Glad you can stay with a friend. Save the $ for your moving fund!

Susan Adger said...

You have SO much fun, Ferne! Who ever said life would be easy?