Saturday, November 8, 2014


Greetings Hairballers,

For a while, I’ve noticed how everyone is labeled and it’s making me crazy (okay, crazier).  It’s especially prevalent on the TV news--perhaps they have to fill the space between commercials. People can’t just be people. They’re labeled as a 59-year old grandmother of two, a 40-year old plumber from New Jersey and my favorite, a 15-year old teen (the redundancy makes the hairs on my arms stand up).

This begs the question--without the labels, do we still exist?

Here are some of mine:



I am a woman, a female, a lady (but the latter seldom)
I am a retiree from a big deal newspaper that shall not be named
I am a senior citizen, whose motto is “old but immature”
I am surprised and wonder how that happened
I am a liberal, open-minded and curious seeker
I am lazy and a procrastinator, good qualities both
I am a writer (of sorts) and an artist (of sorts) too
I am in extra innings and winning
I am a cigarette smoking, Irish whiskey drinking, hockey fan
I am the one who gave her soul to the Yankees (but only part time)
I am a loyal friend and a formidable enemy--try me
I am owned by a cat and pronounce it good
I am a voter, a driver and a payer of bills
I am many other things, by which I refuse to be defined
I am not a sound bite
I am a human being

Most of all, I am the Hairballer


1 comment:

Susan Adger said...

Here, here. I should make a list, myself.