Saturday, December 13, 2014

Appearances Deceiving

Greeting Hairballers,

Since Congress has kept the government open by passing their spending bill, which had the blessing of the President, and which loosens banking regulations and increases allowable donations from the wealthy to candidates--I thought a little musing in order.

Appearances Deceiving©


She slipped the earrings into her bra--rubies and sapphires would bring a good price.  The reflection of light cast a halo around her silver hair, making the woman appear angelic.  The claiming of others’ resources was her business, not unlike a bank.

Hairballs to them,


1 comment:

Susan Adger said...

I have to say this is the first time I've seriously questioned President Obama's decision - It seems to me outrageous. I just hope he has something up his sleeve that I don't know about.

You go, Ferne!!