Monday, April 1, 2013



This is a shared award going to the Florida State Legislature for pushing a law banning Sharia Law—something we have never had, don’t have now and will not have in the future.  Perhaps they will go after the tooth fairy next—we don’t have one of those either.

The award is also shared by the people who voted for these jerks.

The closest we come to Sharia Law is the right wing religious groups trying to impose their ideas on others and proposing punishment and shame to those who don’t get it line.  Like condemning the victim in a rape! Or, the witch burnings. 

Semantics folks, semantics. 

These people are afraid of their shadows.

Read all about it in the Tampa Bay Times at the link below.

I know this should probably have been an OMG because the Dumb Bastard is generally funny.  There are exceptions to everything.

Holy Hairballs it's religion again,

1 comment:

Susan Adger said...

Amazing, isn't it??? We elected these people?