Saturday, April 12, 2014

Love and Wine (Advice to a Teenager)©

Greetings Hairballers,

I’ve been doing NaPoWriMo, a poem a day for National Poetry Month.  Usually just batting stuff out to be reworked later.  Everyday has a prompt, which you can use as inspiration or not.  The other day, it was “love and wine.”

Omar Khayyam wrote of love and wine so eloquently that the Yankees retired his number.

I, on the other hand, decided to have a go at a rap lyric.  Don’t know where this came from, but here it is.

Love and Wine (Advice to a Teenager)© 


if you’re in love
and you love wine
you’d better slow down
or you’ll cross the line

the barriers blur
the more you drink
you feel all right
that’s what you think

it’s only one time
what’s the harm?
throw caution to the wind
no need for alarm

the 60s are over
they’re in the past
now what you do
could last and last

you’re brain’s in your head
not in your crotch
put on the condom
or your life you may botch


1 comment:

Susan Adger said...

Very Funny!!! Thanks